I love books. I really love books. And I always have. My favorite day of school was when the Book Fair was set up in the gym. I was a proud member of my elementary school literary society where a few of us stayed after school to drink hot chocolate and discuss books. I went through a stage where I would only read books set around Christmas and I had a whole crate of them that I drug around with me. Was I a bit of a nerd? I’ll let you be the judge.

The 4th Grade Junior Great Books Reading Club. I’m in the front row, second from the right.

Hard at work in the 1st Grade
Even today, it’s rare that I leave the house without a book (or several) stashed in my bag. I end up at my favorite bookstore, Joseph-Beth Booksellers, at least once a week and spend hours lost in the shelves, my favorite form of relaxation. My tiny apartment is overflowing with books and the new bookshelf I bought just 6 months ago is so overloaded that it is going to collapse any day (seriously, it’s falling apart and I’m waiting for the big crash to occur). What’s the word for something that is beyond an obsession? Whatever it is, my relationship with books is there. And I’m still proudly a nerd.
I’ve moved past the Christmas theme requirement and my reading preferences today are mostly centered around food and travel with a bit of chick-lit and fiction thrown in too. Check out what I’m reading this summer and let me know if you have any recommendations.
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