Where to Stay in Paris — 4 Neighborhood Recommendations including the Marais, near the Louvre, St. Germain and Ile St. Louis. One of the biggest challenges in planning a trip to Paris is deciding where to stay. Not only do you need to determine if you want a hotel room, apartment rental or a hostel,
French Palmiers (elephant ear cookies)
The thing I love most about cooking is that there’s always something new to learn. It keeps things interesting, but can also be one of the biggest challenges. In culinary school, one chef would teach us how to break down a chicken and the next chef would tell us that method was completely wrong. This happened
French Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart
I have a tendency to overdo it when I travel. I get excited and want to do everything. The more guidebooks and blogs I read, the more plans I make. My friends and family remind me that “You can’t do everything” and I politely ignore their advice. This was the case during my last trip
Cook’n with Class French Bistro Desserts Class in Paris
In light of last Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, I debated the appropriateness of this post. I had it scheduled but thought maybe I should hold off for a few weeks. However, after thinking about it and asking some friends, I decided to go ahead. My decision was cemented when I saw this Facebook post
During my junior year of college, I spent a semester studying in Toulouse, France. There were a few Canadian students in our study abroad group, and with the advantage of French as their first language, they seemed to figure out the city much quicker than we did. It took us three days to get our
Europe Travel Journal – Paris (Part 2)
There’s one thing I know for sure about Paris: no matter how much time I am there, it is never enough. I had an absolute blast in Paris last week. I’m going to follow up with some more in depth posts but I wanted to share a brief overview of what I’ve been up to.
The Hungry Traveler Interview – Sean Lee
For this month’s Hungry Traveler Interview, I am pleased to introduce Sean Lee. Sean graduated from the University of Cincinnati a few years before me but we were involved in many of the same campus organizations and have many friends in common. I’ve enjoyed following Sean’s travels on social media and was especially intrigued by his
Europe Travel Journal – Paris (Part 1)
Right now I’m writing to you from a train traveling from Brussels to Amsterdam. I’m a bit behind on my travel journal entries but it’s hard to sit down and blog when there are frites to eat and beers to drink. However, instead of sleeping like my travel companions, I thought I would take the
Europe Travel Journal – Pre Trip
As soon as I finish this post, I’m headed to the Detroit airport to catch a flight for Paris, the first destination of my 6 week trip. After taking some cooking classes and doing some research in Paris, I’ll meet up with my friends Annie and Biff in Belgium and travel with them for about a month.
The Hungry Traveler Interview: Jessie Svet Reedtz (Part 2)
Earlier this summer I (virtually) met Jessie Svet Reedtz when I interviewed her for The Hungry Traveler Interview Series. I loved hearing her travel stories and was captivated by the authentic, honest voice in which she told them. Jessie had so much travel advice and so many stories to tell that I decided to break