Julie, my next-door-neighbor in Perrysburg, is currently in Amman, Jordan. Julie is an audiologist and is on a humanitarian mission to help fit children with hearing aids. I’ve never been to the Middle East so I was excited to hear her stories and, being that Middle Eastern and Mediterranean are two of my favorite cuisines, talk
Strawberry Buttermilk Chess Pie
Can I go on a rant for a moment? I have some issues with current dessert trends that I need to get off my chest. Outrageous desserts have never appealed much to me but when I recently noticed recipes popping up for something called ‘slutty brownies’ it pushed me over the edge. There are several variations for slutty
Apricot Galette
My first restaurant job was making sandwiches and salads at a small cafe that served healthy, seasonal and really delicious food. A few times a week the pastry chefs from the main restaurant would deliver baked goods to fill the large pastry case at the front of the cafe. While making sandwiches and salads wasn’t