Hot Honey and Soppressata Pizza is an unexpected but perfect twist on a traditional pizza. Sweet, spicy and completely mind-blowing! When I tell people that I grew up in northwestern Ohio, they assume I grew up on a farm. It’s true that the area is agriculturally rich and Perrysburg is surrounded by fields and farm lands.
Buttermilk Biscuits
Buttermilk Biscuits — This is my favorite recipe for flaky and tender buttermilk biscuits! These versatile biscuits are good for everything from biscuits and gravy to strawberry shortcake, or for just eating with some butter and honey or jam! Beaten biscuits… Touch of grace biscuits… super flaky biscuits… drop biscuits… All of these biscuits are delicious and
Iced Coffee Lemonade – Portuguese Mazagran
Iced Coffee Lemonade is a refreshing blend of cold brew coffee and freshly squeezed lemonade. It may sound a little strange, but it’s surprisingly delicious and a perfect drink for summer! Collective Espresso is my favorite coffee shop in Cincinnati. A few years ago, they introduced a new drink called espresso lemonade. It consisted of a
Kentucky Marbled Bourbon Pound Cake
In college, my boyfriend, Graham, took a writing class based on Cincinnati. Each week local writers came in and spoke to the class about their work. One day he texted me from class and said, “Don’t be mad, but the speaker in class today is an editor for the Joy of Cooking.” If only he would have looked at
Where to Eat in Islamorada, Florida
One of the best American road trips is driving the 150 miles from Miami to Key West. Making your way out of the Miami congestion, you’ll find Highway 1, also known the Overseas Highway, which connects all of the islands together and connects the islands to the mainland. This is not a road trip you
French Palmiers (elephant ear cookies)
The thing I love most about cooking is that there’s always something new to learn. It keeps things interesting, but can also be one of the biggest challenges. In culinary school, one chef would teach us how to break down a chicken and the next chef would tell us that method was completely wrong. This happened
Spiced Coffee Recipe – How to Make Moroccan Spiced Coffee
Moroccan spiced coffee is a fragrant blend of dark coffee and warm spices. It’s very popular in Morocco, but many visitors miss out on the experience, as Moroccan spiced coffee is rarely served in street cafes and is typically made at home. Spiced coffee tastes completely different than a traditional cup of coffee, yet it’s still
French Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart
I have a tendency to overdo it when I travel. I get excited and want to do everything. The more guidebooks and blogs I read, the more plans I make. My friends and family remind me that “You can’t do everything” and I politely ignore their advice. This was the case during my last trip
Czech Gingerbread Kolache
Sometimes I’m amazed at the taste memories that stick with me long after I travel. Some of them are expected: fish and chips in London, Peking duck in Beijing, tapas in Barcelona. Other times, I’m caught by surprise when I’m still thinking about certain foods months or years after tasting them. These Czech gingerbread kolache are
During my junior year of college, I spent a semester studying in Toulouse, France. There were a few Canadian students in our study abroad group, and with the advantage of French as their first language, they seemed to figure out the city much quicker than we did. It took us three days to get our